Rambling is by its very nature random. Travel Planning seems out of character, but without a plan, how can we make the best of our time? I am following a simplified version of OGSM as documented by Leigh Shulman in her book The Writer’s Roadmap: Paving the Way to Your Ideal Writing Life. The next year will culminate in a trip to Cape York, Queensland.
Rambling by Road in Australia and Beyond
- Objective
Encourage Narration for Posterity by Example
My core objective is to provide an example for others to follow. I am currently also involved in recording family history. It saddens me to have only glimpses of all the experiences lost between the generations. To this end, I will document my experiences in road travel for information and entertainment.
- Strategy
Create a plan to help me get where I want to be in the limited years left to me
- Goal
Setting up a new blog and making it visible will go better after a course or three. I have been interested in photography forever. Technology has changed, and I know my skills need much improvement. Lastly, my writing style could do with a lot of polishing. Have I missed anything?
- Strategy
Travel Blogging Course
Setting up a blog and making it visible
- Strategy
Travel Photography Course
Taking better pictures
- Strategy
Travel Writing Course
Making writing interesting enough to read
- Goal
Prepare for Long Road Trips
Preparations include deciding on accommodation and transport options. There will be shakedown trips to test suppositions and trial equipment and techniques.
- Strategy
Backpackers, Motels, Camping, Caravaning
- Strategy
Train, Bus, Car, Motorhome
- Strategy
Photography, camping and caravaning gear
- Strategy
Shakedown Trips
Testing out the theories
- Goal
Queensland, South to North and Back
It is a challenging trip often taken by visitors to Australia, driving to Cape York and back. The route will look roughly like this. As much as possible, the two directions will follow different paths. The inland return does not touch on the real heart of Queensland. That will be another goal for the future.
- Strategy
Mapping out the when and where of it all
- Strategy
Knowing what to look for and what to expect
- Strategy
The Trip
A diary for day-to-day learnings and experiences
4 thoughts on “Queensland Travel Plans for 2019/20”