The Ageing Rambler is Back

I never left – I have just been rambling so slowly that I did not complete even one blog entry.

Cunnamulla 2020

None of us anticipated 2020. It might be called 2020 hindsight, but we did not have a matching foresight. When the Corona story began, my partner and I were out Cunamulla way. People were so paranoid of strangers that even the sprint home was uncomfortable. It feels weird when caravan parks want you gone.

We have been fortunate in Australia. So far, we have contained community outbreaks. The significant effect on my plans was on travel – both internally and overseas.

With travel curtailed and some personal health issues, I had let the ageing rambler site languish before it began.

Neither of those excuses covers the first five months of 2021. I want my travel to be about more than roads and caravan parks. To this end, I have been working on my recumbent trike.

My plan to go to the cape has also had some hitches. The traditional owners at the tip are considering closing access due to some tourists not doing the right thing. I wanted to make the trip alone, but this has lead to some resistance from more than one of my family.

Change of plans. I intend to spend less time travelling and more time exploring – in true rambling tradition. I will split my efforts between The Aging Rambler and Recumbent Rambler blogs.

Time (and tide) will tell how it goes.

Let me know what you think